Lecture Schedule

Much of the material is covered in lecture notes for a previous offering of the course, numbered CS 369G. I will be updating some of these notes as we go along.

In addition, the handwritten notes from the Spring 2020 class can be found at tinyurl.com/cs368notes.

Date Topic Notes
3/28 Counting distinct elements
3/30 Distinct elements cont.

Lower bounds for distinct elements,

Frequency moments, Estimating F_2.

4/6 Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
4/11 Lower bound for Euclidean dimension reduction. Estimating F_k, k in (0,2) via stable distributions
4/13 Pseudorandom generator for F_k estimation, k in (0,2) Heavy Hitters (Misra-Gries algorithm)
4/18 Count-Min and Count-Sketch
4/20 L0 sampling
4/25 Connectivity and cuts in the semi-streaming Model
4/27 Graph spanners and intro. to communication complexity
5/2 Communication complexity cont.
5/4 Lower bounds and gap hamming
5/9 High-dimensional nearest neighbours
5/11 L2 subspace embedding and sketching for numerical linear algebra
5/16 L2 subspace embedding cont.
5/18 MapReduce intro, MST & Filtering
5/23 Connected comp. and MST in MapReduce
5/25 Introduction to Coresets